胡恩德 老師
教學影片 Click here
●胡老師信箱:whoand@gmail.com | |
●學歷: | 台灣大學機械工程研究所博士 |
中山大學機械與機電工程學系碩士 | |
中山大學機械與機電工程學系畢業 | |
●現任: | 丹麥理工大學(Technical University of Denmark)副教授 |
●曾任: | 中央研究院物理所研究副技師 |
清華大學動力機械系兼任副教授 | |
P.T.B.德國聯邦物理學院訪問學者 | |
●經歷: | I. Computer Maintenance Engineer |
II. Research Assistance (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica) | |
III. Mechanical R&D Engineer (Kwan Chiu Radio Co., LTD.) | |
IV. Mechanical R&D Engineer (AngsNanoTek Co., LTD.) | |
V. Postdoc (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica) | |
●獲獎: | [1] 1998 NSYSU Machine Design Competition: |
The First Prize Award of Originality The First Prize Award of Score The First Prize Award of Modeling |
[2] 1999 NSYSU Mechanical Design Competition: Record-breaker | |
[3] 2003 Institute of Physics Academia Sinica (IPAS) Poster Competition The First Prize Award | |
[4] 2006 16th International Microscopy Conference (IMC16) Scholarship Award | |
[5] 2006 第二屆奈米產業科技菁英獎 學術類 (成員:胡恩德、黃英碩、黃光裕) | |
[6] 2006 The 1st Acer Long-term Smile Contest, Taiwan. 第一屆龍騰微笑創業競賽 亞軍(only 5 among 147 works are awarded) (隊員:胡恩德、洪紹剛、陳彥甫、黃仰山、李嘉宜、陳彥廷) | |
[7] 2006 獲國家科學委員會 菁英專案留學獎學金 | |
●研究: | |
[1] En-Te Hwu, Kuang-Yuh Huang, Shao-Kang Hung, and Ing-Shouh Hwang, "Measurement of the Cantilever Displacement Using a CD/DVD Pickup Head," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (SCI), Vol. 45, No. 3B, pp.2368-2371 (2005). | |
[2] Shao-Kang Hung, En-Te Hwu, Ing-Shouh Hwang, and Li-Chen Fu, "Postfitting Control Scheme for Periodic Piezoscanner Driving," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (SCI), Vol. 45, No. 3B, pp.1917-1921 (2005). | |
International Conference paper: | |
[1] E. T. Hu, K. Y. Huang, I. S. Hwang, "SMM Actuator for Nano-Scale Positioning", Proceedings of OpticsEast Conference on International Society for Optical Engineering (EI),vol. 5602, pp218-225 (2004). | |
[2] H. H. Chung, Y. C. Chiou, R. T. Lee and E. T. Hu, "Investigation on the electric-arc characteristics and the formation mechanism of erosion for DC silver contacts in vacuum", Proceedings of the 18th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers,pp.21-26, (2001). | |
[3] Shao-Kang Hung, En-Te Hwu, Mei-Yung Chen, Li-Chen Fu , "Design and Experiment of Range-Extended Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometer Utilizing the Second Harmonic Displacement Modulation", Proceedings of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (EI), pp. 88 - 92, (2005). | |
[4] Kuang-Yuh Huang, En-Te Hwu, Hsin-Yi Chow, and Shao-Kan Hung, "Development of an Optical Pickup System for Measuring the Displacement of the Micro Cantilever in Scanning Probe Microscope," Proceedings of International Conference on Mechatronics (EI), pp. 695-698, (2005). | |
[5] En-Te Hwu, Kuang-Yuh Huang, Shao-Kang Hung, and Ing-Shouh Hwang, "Measurement of the Cantilever Displacement Using a CD/DVD Pickup Head," STM'05/ICSPM, July 3~8, 2005, Sapporo, Japan. | |
[6] Shao-Kang Hung, En-Te Hwu, Ing-Shouh Hwang, and Li-Chen Fu, "Postfitting Control Scheme for Periodic Piezoscanner Driving," STM'05/ICSPM, Conference, July 3~8, 2005, Sapporo, Japan. | |
[7] En-Te Hwu, Kuang-Yuh Huang, Shao-Kang Hung, and Ing-Shouh Hwang, " New Optical scheme for Monitoring Three-Dimensional displacement of Probe in Atomic Force Microscope," IMC16, September 3~8, 2006, Sapporo, Japan. | |
[8] Kuang-Yuh Huang, En-Te Hwu, Shao-Kang Hung, and Ing-Shouh Hwang, " Application of DVD Pickup Head on Sub-nano Scale Detection in Scanning Probe Microscopy," SPS'06/SPSTM-1, July 23~26, 2006, Hamburg, Germany. | |
Domestic paper: | |
Ing-Shouh Hwang, Chia-Seng Chang, Shao-Kang Hung, Yen-Fu Chen, En-Te Hwu, Chih-Wen Yang, Ya-Rou Chen, "Development of Scanning Probe Microscopy at the Institute of Physics in Academia Sinica," Instruments Today, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 18-27, (2005). | |
Patent: | |
[1] Ing-Shouh Hwang, En-Te Hwu, Chen-Sheng Chang and Shao-Kang Hung, "Motion actuator," patent No. I243531, patent duration: 2005/11/11~2023/12/1. | |
[2] Ing-Shouh Hwang, En-Te Hwu and Kuang-Yuh Huang, "Motion actuator," patent filed on 2004/05/04, No. US 11/249,477. | |
[3] Ing-Shouh Hwang, En-Te Hwu and Kuang-Yuh Huang, "System for measurement of the height, angle and their variation of the surface of an object," patent filed on 2004/11/01, patent pending No. TW 94138312, US 11/433027. | |
[4] Ing-Shouh Hwang, En-Te Hwu, Kuang-Yuh Huang and Shao-Kang Hung, "Probe clamping device," patent filed on 2005/11/01, patent pending No. TW 95115962 | |
Project: | |
[1] 林忠民、胡恩德。核能電廠電機機械軸承面電蝕機制和預防研究(二)。行政院國家科學委員會結案報告(計畫編號:NSC89-TPC-7-110-016)。(2000) | |
[2] 鍾鶴崋、胡恩德。真空中直流電氣銀接點電弧特性和損耗顆粒形成機制之研究。行政院國家科學委員會結案報告(計畫編號:NSC89-2212-E-110-011)。(2000) |